I seriously can't believe it's over. It seems like just yesterday it was months away. I really think all the hard work paid off and I'm excited to do it again...someday.
I have so many people to say thank you too! My awesome mom helped wash, cut and pay for my all my fabric (thanks for making my profit actual profit mom!) and Aubrie and my in-laws watched Ava for me so I could sew or go to the show. Dustin's grandma provided the booth space and Aunt Cathy fed my hubby (so important to keep him fed!) So thank you, thank you, thank you! I seriously couldn't have done it without each of you!
We went up Thursday night so I could be there Friday to help set up the booth. That meant I had most of the day free Friday so of course we (my wonderful in-laws, Ava and I) hit up the KS state fair! Ava got to feed lots of animals and gave a homely bunny a kiss or two. And with Brad, we ate well to say the least. Of course by well I mean delicious and not good for our bodies at all!
Dustin made it for the last little bit of setting up on Friday night and then we ran a few errands before heading to his Grandma's house for the night. I of course thought of a million things that I NEEDED to do all at the last minute. So, without complaining my sweet husband helped me and we finally went to bed at 1:45 am...and then got up at 5. If you know Dustin very well, you know he can barely function with less than 7hrs of sleep sleep, but he was wonderful! (I think it helped that his Aunt Cathy kept buying him things like homemade cinnamon roles, biscuits and gravy and of course bierocks.) Thank goodness she was because when we arrived to unload all of our items, it was pouring and freezing! My socks and shoes were soaked by the time we finally opened up.
This is a pic of my section of the booth. (It was a laid out a little better than this at the beginning).
And here's my awesome helper. I seriously couldn't have done it without him. Love him so much!
We made it through the day. Cold and a little wet. And we enjoyed it. I am hoping I hear from some people who took my card that want outfits. Fingers crossed! :)
Sunday afternoon Ava got to spend some time with her sweet cousin Emma. Ava just adores her and we were so lucky to get to see her while she was in town. We were also really lucky to see Dustin's cousin Christopher. He's been oversea's serving our country and we are so happy to have him back! Thanks for all you do Chris!
Again, thanks to all of you that helped me out! I am so blessed! Love you guys!