Thursday, November 18, 2010

two words

Even though I cannot get this kid to say please for the life of me (she nods her head for please), which I think she's doing on purpose just to stress me out, she started saying two words together!

I know this is boring to most of you, but I was sooooo excited!! Last night we gave her a snack before bed and she said "more crackers". We were shocked to hear her put the words together, not to mention we'd never heard her say cracker before!

Then this morning she said "bye bye Dad" as Dustin was heading out the door.

On occasion I've felt like my daughter didn't talk enough, mostly because her BFF is Ella and I think Ella started talking years ago. :) Comparing is never a good option people! A lesson I remember most of the time, but forget here and there....especially when my kid won't say please!

Anyways, these simple two words were like music to my ears!


Bek Murph said...

Aww!! This is so great! :) I liked your last post. And how fun that you are on this blog site too!! I look forward to keeping up with your life. :)

Maria said...

Hahahaha this made me laugh out loud at work. :) Yay for Ava!! That is awesome!! Before long those girls are going to be having full conversations with each other. Wierd to think about!