Saturday, February 27, 2010

CIO Method

The Cry It Out method is about to make me cry.

Ava has recently taken to a new type of cry. I would describe it as she wants the whole neighborhood to think she's dying. From the moment Ava was born I knew she had good lungs. She came out screaming and didn't stop for an hour. I have to say that made me a little nervous, but those screams don't even compare to the one that's currently going on at my house. About 45 minutes ago the blood curdling screams began. We waited about 12 min. before Dustin headed in there with a bottle. All was quiet for about 10 min. then they began again. Ava had downed 4 and 1/2 oz. pushed her bottle away and refused to let Dustin hold her by pushing with her arms and feet against him in true temper tantrum form. I have to say that is one of the most frustrating moments as a parent. All you want to do is help calm them and nothing is working. They don't want to be held, but they don't want you to put them down either. So, Dustin decided to turn on her slideshow/music star and lay her in her crib. We were going to have to let her cry it out. The doctor told me that it's always worse for the parents than it actually is for the child. I am currently thinking about asking her to write a note to all my neighbors explaining the same thing. Oh the joys of living in an apartment with a small child. I will not be surprised when someone knocks on the door and asks us to do something about our ridiculously loud infant, because the cannot sleep. However, my husband currently has no problem sleeping through the screams as he has been out since I asked him to hand me the laptop. So then again, maybe I'm the only one bothered by Ava's stifling screams.

Well it has now been about 29 minutes since Dustin laid Ava back down and all is quiet. Thanks for bearing with me through this last half hour...I couldn't have done it without you! We may see you again in a few hours...


Holly Erhard said...

I remember when we did it with Brynlee in the apartment we were living in. We went to our neighbor (who luckily had kids and explained it) they were totally understanding. But it is hard to listen to but worth it in the end when you have a child who sleeps on thier own in their own bed! Good Luck!

Allen and Bonnie Miller said...

We lived in an apartment when Devin was a baby and the only way for her to fall asleep was the CIO method. She would cry for at least an hour each night. It was so horrible! I would take a very long shower every night and just pray that by the time I got out she was asleep. lol! I hope she gets better soon. It will be worth it. Have a good night!

Lisa said...

Listening to your baby cry is hard I know! I've had to do it tonight too! But the CIO method is definitely beneficial and usually will get better if you stick with it. Isn't it amazing how the hubby can just go right to sleep, while the wife seeks support from anyone she can?! This sounds so familiar!! Keep up the good work Amy! You are a great mommy!

Jen said...

It is sooo hard on me to do that with ADley too, but it usually works if nothing is wrong with her. Adley is the same way and cries like we are hurting her. We live in a duplex and feel really bad for our neighbors!